Heart Piece Locations

Heart pieces are important in the game as they can boost your health when you collect all four pieces. Below is a complete guide on the locations of each of the heart pieces and how to get them.

Please note that this guide is a work in process and more information will be added.

In addition to the heart pieces, you should purchase the heart container from Tikarel Island’s shop whenever you have more than 1000 coins. Do not intentionally farm for them as you will typically earn enough soon.

1. Hermit Island
2. Bomb Island
3. Withered Lands
4. Great Forest
5. Gillfolk’s Drop
6. Riptide Reef
7. Old Fortress
8. Tikarel Island

1. Hermit Island

After receiving the Master Key from the Hermit, go back to his house and unlock the big chest for the heart piece.

2. Bomb Island

On Bomb Island, fall into a “hole” around the middle of the Island. You will see a chest to the other side, open it to receive the heart piece.

3. Withered Lands

After you meet up with Rigger the second time. Explore it in the cave. Do not leave the Island until you have obtained the Heart Piece.

4. Great Forest

At the forest shrine, after you obtain the arrow and heading back out to the Forest Shrine – Outside. There are different arrow. At the location where there are different targets. Use the arrow to hit the target and drop the water level. You will find another heart piece inside the treasure box.

5. Gillfolk’s Drop

Obtain it via the gates from the puzzle where you drop three blocks onto spikes. It’s in the same map as Gillfolk’s base on your route to the frozen palace.

6. Riptide Reef

Obtain the heart piece from the treasure box after you grab the Coral Saber.

7. Old Fortress

After you have obtained the Ice Spell, head towards the north eastern corner while still on top of the second floor. You will find another heart piece at the end of the bridge inside a treasure box.

8. Tikarel Island

This heart piece is accessible only after you have obtained the trencher boots. You need to blow up the entrance into Crayfish Cave near the south western corner of Tikarel. Then exit the cave onto the beach, use jump to get to the heart piece inside the treasure box.


Heart Piece Locations — 10 Comments

  1. I swear that I have gotten all of these, plus the one you purchase from the shop. Yet, I only have 3/4 heart… current level is Archmage and it is driving me nuts.

  2. There is one on Southwind Isle. In the main cave on that Island there is a place where you need to jump a gap in the bridge with the boots. Follow the path to the end for a heart piece.

  3. I missed the heart piece on bomb island…i fell off before opening chest. How do I get the piece now that I cannot jump in water to get there.

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